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  1. Working with Task Links

    Learn how to create, modify, delete Microsoft Project Task links using Aspose.Tasks for .NET....Tasks Product Solution Aspose.OCR...English Aspose.Tasks .NET Developer Guide Working with Task Links Working...
  2. Working with CellsObjectOperate Task|Aspose.Cel...

    Cells.Cloud API for Excel operate: cells object operate Task....Working with CellsObjectOperate Task Contents [ Hide ] This REST...REST API operate cells object task . OperateObject Parameter Name...
  3. Delete a Task from Project|Documentation

    Aspose.Tasks Cloud allows you to delete a Task from project in MPP, MPT and XML. Moreover, our REST API can be used with nearly all languages like .NET, Node.JS, Python, PHP, Go, Java and many more....Delete a Task from Project Contents [ Hide ] Introduction This...project task with all references to it and rebuilds tasks tree,...
  4. Working with SaveResult Task|Aspose.Cells Cloud...

    Cells.Cloud API for Excel operate: Tasks support to save the result into response content or cloud storage....Türkçe Working with SaveResult Task Contents [ Hide ] REST API API...Resource Link /cells/task/runtask POST Run Task PostRunTask The OpenAPI...
  5. Working with Convert Task|Aspose.Cells Cloud Do...

    Cells.Cloud API for Excel operate: Tasks support convert excel file....Türkçe Working with Convert Task Contents [ Hide ] REST API API...Resource Link /cells/task/runtask POST Run Task PostRunTask The OpenAPI...
  6. Working with SmartMarker Task|Documentation

    Cells.Cloud API for Excel operate: Tasks support to smart marker....Türkçe Working with SmartMarker Task Contents [ Hide ] REST API API...Resource Link /cells/task/runtask POST Run Task PostRunTask The OpenAPI...
  7. Extract Text From Images in iOS apps using Obje...

    Recognize or extract text in English and other languages, and recognize text in only part of an image. iOS apps can extract text....Asynchronous Processing through Tasks # Aspose.Cells Cloud now supports...asynchronous processing through Tasks objects. This makes Aspose.Cells...
  8. Add a Task Link to Project|Documentation

    Aspose.Tasks Cloud allows you to add a Task link to project in MPP, MPT and XML. Moreover, our REST API can be used with nearly all languages like .NET, Node.JS, Python, PHP, Go, Java and many more....Add a Task Link to Project Contents [ Hide ] Introduction add a task link to a Project using Aspose.Tasks Cloud API...
  9. Get Timescaled Data for Task|Documentation

    Aspose.Tasks Cloud allows you to get timescaled data for Task in MPP, MPT and XML. Moreover, our REST API can be used with nearly all languages like .NET, Node.JS, Python, PHP, Go, Java and many more....Get Timescaled Data for Task Contents [ Hide ] Introduction for a task with the specified UId using Aspose.Tasks Cloud API...
  10. Getting error 500 reponse for aspose task batch...

    Hi, We recently started using aspose Task api for our use. The api to create Task in a batch is giving error “Error: PostTasks. Exception: Base calendars with UIDs ‘5’ and ‘3’ have the same name: ‘Standard1’. The calend…...for aspose task batch task creation API Aspose.Tasks Cloud Product...using aspose task api for our use. The api to create task in a batch...