Fare riferimento a questo articolo per rimuovere la filigrana da Word con l'API NET REST. È possibile eliminare la filigrana in Word con l'API C# Low Code usando l'SDK cloud .NET....SDK for Dotnet to remove watermark from a Word file Configura...
Go SDK to work with Aspose.Cells REST APIs to Create, Edit or Convert Excel & OpenOffice files in the Cloud with Go Lang. - aspose-cells-cloud-go/api_cells_picturescontroller_test.go at master · aspose-cells-cloud/aspose-cells-cloud-go...xlsx" waterMarkPNG := "WaterMark.png" remoteName := "Book1...waterMarkPNGRequest.Path = remoteFolder + "/WaterMark.png" waterMarkPNGRequest.StorageName...
You can extract text from word documents including DOC or DOCX files. You can get text from complete document in paragraphs and the formatting information....other file formats , add watermarks , work with drawing objects...
Extract text or recognize characters from images or documents. Extract text from BMP and TIFF images and generate editable text-based document....such as text, annotations, watermarks, signature, bookmarks and...
Tekintse meg ezt a cikket a vízjel eltávolításához a Wordből a NET REST API segítségével. Törölheti a vízjelet a Wordben a C# Low Code API-val a .NET felhő SDK használatával....SDK for Dotnet to remove watermark from a Word file Állítsa be...
NET REST API ile filigranı Word'den kaldırmak için bu makaleye bakın. .NET bulut SDK'sını kullanarak C# Düşük Kod API'si ile Word'deki filigranı silebilirsiniz....SDK for Dotnet to remove watermark from a Word file Filigranı...