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  1. 300+ Must Do Coding Questions from Interviews |...

    Ace your next coding interview by practicing our hand-picked coding interview questions. Conquer the fear of coding interview and land your dream job!...OTP Skip By clicking on Start Test, I agree to be contacted by...Instructions from Interviewbit Start Test...
  2. Regular vs Arrow Functions | InterviewBit

    Regular vs Arrow Functions - We can create Javascript functions in many ways. function hello() { console.log("Hello world"); } const hi = function hi() { console.log("Hi world"); } const bye = function() { //using anonymous function console.log("Bye world"); } The above three methods of declaration are refered as regular function declaration. The only difference in the above declarations is in the stack trace that appears when there is an error. Arrow functions were introduced in ES6. Arrow functions allow us to write shorter function syntax. const hello = () => { console.log("Hello world"); } If the function has only one statement, and the statement returns a value, we can remove the brackets and the return keyword. For e.g. Regular Function function helloName(name) { return "Hello " + name; } Arrow function const helloName = (name) => "Hello " + name; So, Arrow functions lets us write functions even in a single line! If we have one parameter, we can even omit the parentheses that enclose the parameter const helloName = name => "Hello " + name; Both arrow functions and regular functions can be used as object methods. Now, lets see where the differences emerge between the different function declaring and defining methods. 1) this binding * Regular functions have their own dynamic this binding, while arrow functions do not have their own this. The value of this inside a regular function depends on how the function is invoked. During a simple invocation the value of this equals to the global object (or undefined if the function runs in strict mode) function fun() { console.log(this); } fun(); // prints global object (window) During a method invocation the value of this is the object owning the method: const obj = { fun() { console.log(this); } };; // prints obj * The value of this inside an arrow function remains the same throughout the lifecycle of the function and is always bound to the value of this in the closest non-arrow parent function. In the following example, fun1() is an outer regular function of fun2() arrow function: const obj = { fun1(items) { console.log(this); // prints obj const fun2 = () => { console.log(this); // prints obj }; } }; this value inside the arrow function fun2() equals to this value of the outer function fun1(). 2) arguments object * Inside the body of a regular function, arguments is a special array-like object containing the list of arguments with which the function has been invoked. function fun() { console.log(arguments); } myFunction('a', 'b'); // prints { 0: 'a', 1: 'b'} * No arguments object is defined inside an arrow function. The arguments object is resolved lexically: the arrow function accesses arguments from the closest outer non-arrow function. function fun1() { const fun2 = () => { console.log(arguments); } fun2('c', 'd'); } fun1('a', 'b'); // prints { 0: 'a', 1: 'b' } 3) new keyword * Regular functions created using function declarations or expressions are constructible (means that we can use regular functions as constructors) and callable. And since regular functions are constructible, they can be called using the new keyword. function fun(){ console.log("hello"); } const obj = new fun(); //valid code * The arrow functions are only callable and not constructible, i.e arrow functions can never be used as constructor functions. Hence, they can never be called with the new keyword. let fun = () => { console.log("hello); } const obj = new fun(): // Gives error Find the output for the given code below. let obj = { a: 100, fun1() { let a = 20; let fun2 = () => { console.log(this.a); } fun2(); } } obj.fun1();...OTP Skip By clicking on Start Test, I agree to be contacted by...Instructions from Interviewbit Start Test...
  3. aspose.omr cloud

    Aspose.OMR Cloud · GitHub,Aspose.OMR Cloud,Aspose.OMR Cloud · GitHub,Aspose.OMR Cloud|Documentation,NuGet Gallery | Aspose.OMR-Cloud 1.0.3,NuGet Gallery |...and grade OMR forms such as test, survey, quiz, answer sheet...and grade OMR forms such as test, survey, quiz, answer sheet...
  4. How to Force the Use of Custom Fonts During Wor...

    How to Force the Use of Custom Fonts During Word to PDF Conversion? I am Testing the following API for converting Word to PDF: ` I am testing the following API for converting...0/words/convert?format=pdf&storage=TEST&fontslocation=xxx` I have specified...
  5. While downloading the file with table count of ...

    while downloading the file with table count of rows 344 and columns of count 44 shows the error called System.OutOfMemoryException using aspose pdf table... We will test the scenario and will guide...
  6. Aspose.Cells Cloud 20.1 Release Notes

    Aspose.Cells Cloud 20.1 Release Notes – the laTest updates and fixes. Aspose.Cells Cloud supports Excel to create, convert, merge, split, protected, inner object operation, and so on....Feature CELLSCLOUD-10275 Update test case about color filter and...
  7. GitHub - aspose-tasks-cloud/aspose-tasks-cloud-...

    Python SDK to communicate with Aspose.Tasks REST API. Create, Edit or Convert Microsoft Project & Oracle Primavera files in the Cloud. - aspose-tasks-cloud/aspose-tasks-cloud-python...asposetaskscloud docs docs test test testData testData test-requirements.txt test-requirements.txt...
  8. SharePoint Image Processing App | products.aspo...

    SharePoint image processing App to create edit and convert images to PSD BMP JPEG PNG TIFF and GIF formats. Also resize crop rotate and flip images... Test Aspose.Imaging for SharePoint...Free Trial Pricing Information Test Aspose.Imaging offers individual...
  9. DWF to DXF Conversion Authentication Error - Fr...

    I’m trying to convert DWF to DXF using Curl on but keep getting error: Operation Failed. The authorization data is incorrect. How do I fix this issue?...authorization should work now, please test it on your side. Please note...
  10. GitHub - aspose-slides-cloud/aspose-slides-clou...

    Python library for communicating with the Aspose.Slides Cloud API - aspose-slides-cloud/aspose-slides-cloud-python...asposeslidescloud asposeslidescloud test test .gitignore .gitignore LICENSE...txt test-requirements.txt test-requirements...