Установите масштаб, при котором страница будет соответствовать ширине при печати на листе....PostFitWideToPages Set the scale at which the page will fit wide...
Aggiorna la percentuale di ridimensionamento nel foglio di lavoro. Dovrebbe essere compreso tra 10 e 400...PostUpdateWorksheetZ Update the scaling percentage in the worksheet...
Establezca la escala en la que la página se ajustará a lo ancho cuando se imprima en la hoja...PostFitWideToPages Set the scale at which the page will fit wide...
Définir l'échelle à laquelle la page s'adaptera en largeur une fois imprimée sur la feuille...PostFitWideToPages Set the scale at which the page will fit wide...
Imposta la scala in base alla quale la pagina si adatterà in larghezza quando stampata sul foglio...PostFitWideToPages Set the scale at which the page will fit wide...
قم بتعيين المقياس الذي سيتم عنده احتواء الصفحة على نطاق واسع عند طباعتها على الورقة...PostFitWideToPages Set the scale at which the page will fit wide...
Mettez à jour le pourcentage de mise à l’échelle dans la feuille de calcul. Il devrait être entre 10 et 400...PostUpdateWorksheetZ Update the scaling percentage in the worksheet...
Add Aspose Cloud SDK to your Android Studio project in Android Studio as external Aspose Cloud Maven dependency or as an external library via Gradle files....(Tiff-F specification) with scaling and padding. Unit Tests for...