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  1. DisposableEmail|Documentation

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms.... Requires: request IsDisposable method request. Type: DisposableEmailIsDis...
  2. atom

    1.0 UTF-8 text Status - html alternate text/html self appli......0/html/swagger/spec: net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded...
  3. Cloud word to pdf - Aspose.Total Cloud Product ...

    How to convert word to PDF in .net.Please help me out or send me sample code for the same....WordsApi(ClientId, ClientSecret); var request = new ConvertDocumentReque(...= wordsApi.ConvertDocument(request); var fileStream = System.IO...
  4. Error Converting document in .NET - Aspose.Word...

    HI, I cannot convert a document from rtf to pdf. My code public async Task<byte[]> ConvertArticle(string fileName, string destinationFormat) { var appKey = Configuration["ASPOSE_APP_KEY"]; var ap…...WordsApi(appKey, appSid); var request = new ConvertDocumentReque(File...= wordsApi.ConvertDocument(request); await using MemoryStream...
  5. Aspose.Imaging Cloud 20.6 - Release Notes|Docum...

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....parameters to object detection api requests IMAGINGCLOUD-560 Visual object...parameters to object detection api requests Aspose.Imaging Cloud SDK changes...
  6. Import String Array into Excel Worksheet | Aspo...

    Cells.Cloud API for Excel operate: Import string array data into Excel Worksheet.... The request is an HTTP request with multipart content...storageName string Storage name. Request Body Parameter Parameter Name...
  7. Convert Excel|Aspose.Cells Cloud Document

    Aspose.Cells Cloud REST API support conversion excel files to kinds of format files. SDK support kinds of development languages. They include Android, C#, Go, Java, NodeJS, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and swift.... The request is an HTTP request with multipart content...f/bmp/md/Numbers/wmf/svg) Request Body Parameter Parameter Name...
  8. Manipulate Excel cells formatting using Cloud A...

    REST API for PPTX manipulation. .NET Cloud API to manipulate Categories and chart data in PowerPoint. Free Cloud API to create and update Charts within PPT...Add a category to Chart # Request URL <code>POST https://api...NET Update chart category # Request URL <code>PUT https://api.aspose...
  9. Mail Merge Word Document and Convert output to ...

    I am trying to do a mail merge, but I need the resulting output to be a PDF. So I am trying to take the result of the merge, and pass it to the convert function, but I am running into the following error: body: WordsAp…...a new feature, a batch of requests, and changed the result to use a batch request for two requests: ExecuteMailMergeOnli...
  10. Occasional slow performance on API calls - Aspo...

    We are developing a system based on Aspose cloud but we regularly see performance issues where Requests take significantly longer than expected. In a recent example (on the PDF API) a call that would typically complete i…...see performance issues where requests take significantly longer...were: Request at 14:24:36 - Duration of call 3m 24s Request at 14:24:40...