Gameware and CAD 3D library to create read convert and modify 3D file formats within Java applications...VertexElementNormal Vertex Box Cylinder Plane Sphere Torus Create Scenes Procedural...
Virtual Reality Modeling Language Specification Document Change Log Version 2.0, ISO/IEC WD 14772 August 4, 1996 8/4/ default to the local XY plane (the text had refs to both XY...NavigationInfo - recommend that near plane = 1/4 avatar size. Re-wrote...
Perform 3DS to AMF conversion in Java. Convert 3DS to AMF using Java. Java REST API for 3D file processing. Java API for 3ds, fbx, glb, gltf processing....Box, Cylinder, Sphere, Torus, Plane ) in the cloud. Albeit, specific...
FBX to OBJ in C#. REST API for FBX to OBJ conversion. Convert FBX to OBJ online. Free Cloud API for 3D file processing. Render FBX to OBJ...Cylinder, Sphere, Torus, and Plane, we have created a REST-based...
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