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  1. Remove Watermark From Word with NET REST API

    Refer to this article to remove watermark from Word with NET REST API. You can delete watermark in Word with C# Low Code API using the .NET cloud SDK....with C# Low Code API Create an object of the WordsApi class to delete...delete the watermark Create an object of the DeleteWatermarkOnlin...
  2. PostUpdateWorksheetOleObject|Aspose.Cells Cloud...

    Update an OLE Object in worksheet....PostUpdateWorksheetO Update an OLE object in worksheet. REST API API...tIndex} POST Update an OLE object in worksheet. PostUpdateWorksheetO...
  3. Overview of the ASF Format - Win32 apps | Micro...

    Overview of the ASF Format...Because the reader and writer objects handle all low-level file parsing...called "objects." There are three top-level objects, a Header...
  4. Add OLE Objects|Documentation

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....Add OLE Objects Contents [ Hide ] Introduction OLE (Object Linking...Linking and Embedding) objects in PowerPoint provide the capability...
  5. index.xml

    2.0 Documentation – List Object insert slicer Recent content in List Object insert slicer on Documentation Documentation – List object insert slicer Recent content in List object insert...
  6. Convert DOC to PDF with NET REST API

    This example guides on how to convert DOC to PDF with NET REST API. You can change DOC to PDF with C# REST API using the steps and code in this article....class object to convert DOC to PDF Instantiate an object of the...class using the Configuration object Set the input DOC and desired...
  7. Check Number of Words with NET REST API

    Follow this article to check number of words with NET REST API. You will learn automatically counting words in MS Word with C# Low Code API using .NET cloud SDK....Configuration object and use it to create the WordsApi object for Word...statistics Create the request object for the loaded document using...
  8. Search Documents for Text with NET REST API

    This article describes how to search documents for text with NET REST API. It shows the usage of .NET SDK to write application to find Word in text online with C# Low Code API....REST API Create the WordsApi object by providing the client ID...Create the SearchOnlineRequest object, initialize it with the input...
  9. index.xml

    2.0 Documentation – Object Exist Recent content in Object Exist on Documentation Hugo -- en Documentation – Object Exist Recent content in Object Exist on Documentation...
  10. Convert a Word DOC to HTML with NET REST API

    This tutorial guides to convert a Word DOC to HTML with NET REST API. You can convert DOC file to HTML with C# REST API for free....FileStream object Create the ConvertDocumentReque object using the...using the ConvertDocumentReque object Save the output HTML file on...