Aspose.Tasks for Java examples, plugins and showcase projects - aspose-tasks/Aspose.Tasks-for-Java...for Java API directly in your Maven projects with simple configurations...Releases 3 Aspose.Tasks Java (Maven) for Eclipse – v1.0 Latest Apr...
Sample code for PSD Java Cloud API update. Use API example code for batch PSD files update within any Java based application....directly from Maven and install it within your Maven-based project...
Android library for communicating with the Aspose.PDF Cloud API - aspose-pdf-cloud/aspose-pdf-cloud-android...client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:...install To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure...
Java library for communicating with the Aspose.PDF Cloud API - aspose-pdf-cloud/aspose-pdf-cloud-java...client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:...install To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure...
Index of java/repo/com/aspose/aspose-cells/ Name Last modified Size ../ 24.9/ 24.8/ 24.7/ 24.6/ 24.5/ 24.4/ 24.3/ 24.......3/ maven-metadata.xml 2024-12-12 08:25:04...
Index of java/repo/com/aspose/aspose-email/ Name Last modified Size ../ 24.9/ 24.8/ 24.7/ 24.6/ 24.5/ 24.4/ 24.3/ 24.......0/ maven-metadata.xml 2024-12-08 09:28:44...
Aspose OCR Cloud Java SDK is a simple OCR technology, which you can use in your application to convert image to text. - aspose-ocr-cloud-java/.travis.yml at master · aspose-ocr-cloud/aspose-ocr-cloud-java.../gradlew script : # test using maven # - mvn test # test using gradle...
Android SDK to communicate with Aspose.Diagram RESTful API. Create, Convert & Render Microsoft Visio® files in the Cloud. - aspose-diagram-cloud-android/ at master · aspose-diagram-cloud/aspose-diagram-cloud-android... Maven Add this dependency and repository...{ repositories { jcenter() maven { url ' https://repository.aspose...
Index of java/repo/com/aspose/aspose-barcode/ Name Last modified Size ../ 24.9/ 24.8/ 24.7/ 24.6/ 24.5/ 24.4/ 24.3/ 2......0/ maven-metadata.xml 2024-12-20 09:08:13...
Index of java/repo/com/aspose/aspose-words/ Name Last modified Size ../ 24.9/ 24.8/ 24.7/ 24.6/ 24.5/ 24.4/ 24.3/ 24.......0/ maven-metadata.xml 2024-12-20 18:42:12...