Aggiungi o rimuovi filigrana da PDF o Word JavaScript. Lavora anche con la filigrana in tutti i formati di documenti più diffusi utilizzando l'API Node...."This is the watermark text" , layout : model. WatermarkDataText...
Agregue o elimine marcas de agua de PDF o Word Go. También trabaje con la marca de agua en cualquier formato de documento popular utilizando la API Go...."This is the watermark text" ), Layout: ToStringPointer( "Diagonal"...
เพิ่มหรือลบลายน้ำจาก PDF หรือ Word Python ทำงานร่วมกับลายน้ำในรูปแบบเอกสารยอดนิยมต่างๆ โดยใช้ Python API...'This is the watermark text' , layout= 'Diagonal' ) insert_watermark_request...
Добавете или премахнете воден знак от PDF или Word Ruby. Също така работете с водния знак във всички популярни формати на документи, като използвате Ruby API....'This is the watermark text' , :Layout => 'Diagonal' }) insert_watermark_request...