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  1. PostConvertByFormat failed on 2022-06-01 at 2:0...

    (topic withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)...2022-06-01 at 2:01 pm Aspose.Total Cloud Product Family a.tsiaparas...
  2. Use Aspose.PDF Cloud SDK for PHP with for > PHP...

    Hi, Team, I have tried Aspose.PDF Cloud SDK for PHP. It seems it will not work for > PHP 7.2 because, while running the “composer Install” command I am getting the following error: Your lock file does not contain a c…...PDF Cloud SDK for PHP with for > PHP 7.2 Aspose.Total Cloud...Team, I have tried Aspose.PDF Cloud SDK for PHP . It seems it will...
  3. Add Watermark to PDF in Node.js fails intermitt...

    Hello, Sometime files are not adding water but when we retrying with same file its adding can you please tell me the reason or is there any way we can get alert when its fail to watermarking so we can retry. Regards A…...fails intermittently Aspose.Total Cloud Product Family add-watermark-pdf...
  4. Merged Documents lose formatting after using Za...

    I am using Aspose with Zapier to merge two or more docx files together. My issue is that when I merge using Zapier then the documents lose certain formatting styles. For example text that has styling with “Heading 1” ch…...formatting after using Zapier Aspose.Total Cloud Product Family lbernardza...
  5. Configure Amazon S3 Storage bucket permissions ...

    Using saveSlide I can directly save to my aws S3 storage bucket. Is there any option / parameter where I can explicity set s3 object permissions like this ? ACL: “public-read”...Slides REST API Aspose.Total Cloud Product Family configure-aws-s3...available in the Aspose.Slides Cloud API. However, you need to set...
  6. List Cloud Storage Files / Folders in Microsoft...

    I am attempting to call the Get Folder using PowerAutomate through the URI: https://api.aspose.Cloud/v3.0/pdf/storage/folder/%2F?storageName=Trial%20Storage I have been able to successfully generate a Bearer Token usin…...List Cloud Storage Files / Folders in Microsoft Power Automate...Automate throws Error Aspose.Total Cloud Product Family jwt-authentication...
  7. (Wordpress Export) Multiple Author/Byline data ...

    On our site, multiple authors contribute to each individual post. In order to credit these contributing authors, we use the popular “co-authors plus” plugin by Automatic (author of Jetpack, etc.). In our wordpress expo… missing on export Aspose.Total Cloud Product Family wordpress-to-docx...each post. Ideally, would retrieve this data itself...
  8. Merging PDF by calling Aspose PDF REST API from...

    Hi All, I am Using Appian Cloud Application. I have the requirement to merge the PDF files stored in either Windows or LINUX platform ( basically it should support for both). I need REST API which can be called from App…...REST API from Appian Aspose.Total Cloud Product Family nivas2k3vb...#1 Hi All, I am Using Appian Cloud Application. I have the requirement...
  9. Convert Microsoft Word documents in Swift and s...

    Looking for examples or reference to saving the Aspose.Words Cloud Document class to disk in Apple Swift. As it seems like you need to go and download the document you have already created an have a reference for which c…...and save to local disk Aspose.Total Cloud Product Family saving the Aspose.Words Cloud Document class to disk in Apple...
  10. How to use/define custom handlebars helpers for...

    i want to use mail merge feature of mail merge of aspose word Cloud. i want to populate handlebars data using JSON data for nodejs. I want to use custom handlers for comparison of values.... Aspose.Total Cloud Product Family yogibittint...of mail merge of aspose word cloud. i want to populate handlebars...