Aspose.OCR is een gratis online OCR-service waarmee geScande afbeeldingen van populaire formaten zoals JPG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, PNG kunnen worden geconverteerd naar doorzoekbare PDF...en beeldverbetering OCR kan scans van slechte kwaliteit met succes...
Extract text from Scans and photos quickly and easily with Aspose.OCR Cloud. Requires minimal resources and works efficiently on entry-level devices....Micro App Extract text from scans and photos quickly and easily...
Node.js REST SDK for creating, editing, encrypting, digitally signing, and converting PDF documents hosted on cloud or remote servers...At a Glance Get data from scanned images Process perspective...
Go lang SDK to access cloud PDF documents for merging, splitting, encrypting, watermarking, annotating & converting to other formats via REST API...At a Glance Get data from scanned images Process perspective...
Build cloud-based applications to edit, encrypt, append, & convert cloud PDF documents using Python SDK...At a Glance Get data from scanned images Process perspective...