Use Go REST API to create barcodes manipulation cloud apps for handling more than 60 symbologies of 1D, 2D, and postal barcode in the cloud...UPC, QR Code, Micro QR Code, Postnet, Planet, RM4SCC, and others...postal barcode symbologies are: Postnet Planet USPS OneCode Australia...
Use Dart and Flutter REST API to create barcodes manipulation cloud apps for handling more than 60 symbologies of 1D, 2D, and postal barcode in the cloud...UPC, QR Code, Micro QR Code, Postnet, Planet, RM4SCC, and many others...postal barcode symbologies are: Postnet Planet USPS OneCode Australia...
Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....Deutsche Post Leticode, Planet, Postnet, RM4SCC, SingaporePost, SwissPostParcel...
Java SDK to create & read barcodes from more than 60 symbologies of 1D, 2D, and postal...PDF417, QR Code, Micro QR Code, Postnet, Planet, RM4SCC, and many others...postal barcode symbologies are: Postnet Planet USPS OneCode Australia...
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iata2of5,pharmacode,ismn,vin,itf14,Recognize decodes a wrong Type and number - Free Support Forum -,Aspose.BarCode-Cloud 23.2.0 - FuGet...interleaved2of5,deutsche post identcode,postnet,ean8,ismn,Aspose.BarCode-Cloud...
Extract OCR or HOCR Text from Images in many fonts. Recognize text in English and other languages, and recognize text in only part of an image....DataMatrix Interleaved2of5 Postnet BooklandEAN Deutsche Post Identcode...